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Albany & Avers

Albany & Avers

Vintage is the new new! Albany & Avers offers a modern way to shop sustainable fashion. My challenge was to improve the mobile shopping experience for the eco-conscious shopper (millennials and gen Z) through visual cues and emphasizing uniqueness.


Rare finds made easy

Since the store offers a mix of new and vintage pieces, every item in the shops home page has a button on the top right corner to help distinguish between the two. I created these icons to be quick identifiers so that shoppers donโ€™t have to seek out whether an item they like is one of a kind or available in other varieties.

Specific category pages gives shoppers the autonomy to further filter between the new and vintage items the store offers.


Checkouts close to home base

There is nothing more exhausting than having to go alllll the way up to the top right corner if my phone to pay for my things!

Placing the main menu and check out bag at the base of the app streamlines the adding / checking out process (and prevents people like me from getting discouraged from all that extra thumb travel).